01/14/2024 - ABOUT ME

►      My interests have shifted from comics to animation and screenwriting.

►      This website is resting, but was born mid-2018.

Q:      Who are you REALLY?

A:      Troy Walton, a reserved millenial living in Toronto, Canada.

Q:      How can you be contacted?

A:      My Email, but I prefer a direct message through Twitter:

Q:      What tools do you use to make these comics?

A:      "I draw on the computer"

Q:      How long did it take to write & draw these comics?

A:      The color-sparse comics took a day or two. The cumulative graphic novels take weeks, months, even years, if you include ruminating on the idea(s).

Q:      Any inspirations particular to comics?

A:      I studied how these ones were made, deciding I would rip them off whenever possible:

Q:      What's your favorite media?

A:      "My Top 10 Most Impactful..." (this sentence is a link)

Q:      Do you take commissions?

A:      I don't. If I ever become a much faster draftsman, I'll reconsider.

Q:      Any advice for fellow aspiring creators / visual artists / storytellers?

A:      Stop caring if your work makes you 'look bad'. Make it anyway, but consider who it is for, and make it difficult for people who it's not for to come across it.

Q:      Whyyy is there a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfiction?

A:      I was deep into ponies from 2012 to 2016, and outlined that story back then. I have no deadline for it's completion, as I intended it as a "learn how to make a graphic novel" project to make huge mistakes with. A lot of my story projects are just shy of being fanfiction. I have original works planned too... They're development just takes much longer. ALSO, as of 2022, I've essentially monkey branched my passion from comics to animation, so my most cherishes stories are likely to be developed as short films & pilot episodes.

Q:      Are you going to finish a whole story before moving on to future ones?

A:      Nope! Every story project is made of chapters or episodes. When I complete a chapter of one story, I'll move onto a chapter of a different story. This will mean a long hiatus within each series, but a promise that every story I'm passionate about is certain to have it's first chapter debut this decade 2020-2030, wither it's a comic, or animatic.

Q:      You stopped uploading (around April 2020)... what happened?

A:      At first, it was burnout from Covid-19 lockdown, then it was being ignited by the feasibility of making quality animated films as one person.

Q:      How can I support you (if I don't know you in real life)?

A:      From most preferred to least: